Navigate the Art World
Use the Internet to Make Connections
Gain Visibility and Generate Sales
Feel like you know the possibilities of what you can achieve but are not sure how to get there?
Want to show in galleries but not sure how because they claim they don’t accept submissions?
Are you applying to exhibitions and not sure why you’re not getting accepted?
Do you wish you would just get discovered by a gallery or at least invited to exhibit in a group show?
Are you emails and DMs to galleries, curators, and even other artists going unanswered?
Do you find yourself applying to a bunch of opportunities and hoping they will lead to something?
What if I told you that you could navigate the art world swimmingly and make meaningful connections that could lead to a solo exhibition and sales, and achieve any goals you have simply by:
Being consistent with your intention and communicating it
Letting go of the “starving artist” mindset
Presenting yourself and your work online at the level it deserves
Learn what actually works so you apply to the right opportunities and make the most of them
Building community and making moves by connecting with anyone and everyone on the internet
Building your own personal roadmap to achieving your own personalized goals in the art world